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Desing and implementation of a web application for process minning inside a PSD2 bank adapter (JS, Angular, Python).


In the scope of a university project, my team and I created a web app to implement and visualize process mining in log data related to the banking industry.

First things first, what is PSD2?

It is an EU bank directive that regulates service payment providers. Long story short, it regulates how banks can open, let's say, backdoors to third parties. It could be an app or some web service.

Since there are plenty of banks offering this service, that leaves room for different sorts of implementations. This where our industry partner Adorsys comes into play.

They have an open-source adapter, so if you are a third party and a bank changes something, you don't have to worry about the change.

High level description

Use cases and benefits

  • Identify problems in current processes
  • Identify errors and get information about them.
  • Identify weak points of your current processes and find ways to improve them.
  • Collect errors and see which parts of the process are affected.
  • Prioritize new features using statistics generated from actual user data.

Demo time


Logs were being collected by the backend an processed using PM4Py. Different visualization methods and filters were provided. It was quite an exciting tool!


High level software architecture

High level description

If you are interested in knowing more, take a look at the source code